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Grey Bruce Farmer's Week

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Grey Bruce Farmers’ Week (GBFW) has been a main stay for the agricultural industry in Grey County since 1966. The featured commodities have changed as our agricultural focus has evolved, but the mandate to educate farmers and agribusiness has remained firm. The Trade Show is filled to capacity on most days.

Over the years, interest in the conference has continued to grow and the reach has extending well beyond county borders. Most years there are about 1300 people in attendance over the course of the 7 day in person event.  Typically, Crops Day accounts for 22% of the attendance, Beef Day, 22%, and Dairy Day, 20%.  About 75% of the audience is from Grey Bruce, the remainder comes from outside that area,  the latter number continues to grow.

2018, 2019, and 2020 marked exciting years of technological advancement. 2018 was the first year that GBFW live streamed all 7 days of this fantastic educational content to interested producers across the province and beyond our borders.

In 2021, GBFW went virtual in response to public health safety requirements.  The eight day conference featured the same major commodity days and Trade Show that reached Grey and Bruce counties and far beyond.  


Everyone from anywhere is encouraged to check out and participate this incredible conference.

What's the weather going to be like?


206 Toronto St. S., Unit 3

Box 463, Markdale, Ontario

N0C 1H0 Canada

Mon - Fri:   8:30 - 4:30

Closed on Holidays



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2023 by Grey Ag Services. Proudly created with

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