The Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) is a not-for-profit farm organization that represents all commodity groups across the province. They are leaders in producer education, local association development, program delivery and consumer outreach. There are 53 county/district associations in 11 Regions. Field days, crop tours and local workshops are regularly hosted to introduce new methods of crop and soil management.
A variety of workshops and webinars are offered at no cost by OSCIA as part of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) to assist Ontario farm businesses in identifying strengths and weaknesses in a variety of areas that influence the farm’s profitability, productivity and sustainability. Workshops and webinars include The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP).
Scroll down to see upcoming local events.
Grey Agricultural Services is the co-ordinator for the regional "Georgian Central" association that includes Bruce, Grey, Dufferin, and North Simcoe locals.
Local Contacts
Georgian Central President: Brandon Dietrich Past President: Kristen Carberry
Bruce President: Thomas Farrell 519-955-2346 Secretary: Derek Dupuis 519-901-0953
Dufferin President: Alan Lyons 705-434-7267 Secretary: Brandi McCabe 519-940-6679
Grey President: Deb Campbell 519-323-6166 Secretary: Grey Ag Services (Lorie Smith) 519-986-3756
Simcoe North President: Allen Mosley 705-427-0298 Secretary: Nicole Cross
Georgian Central SCIA Sponsors


Member Spotlight
A member spotlight article is included in each issue of the quarterly Georgian Bulletin. Check out the featured members and what they've been doing on their farms across Georgian Region below!
Upcoming Events
Please note that some events require you to be an OSCIA member or have special member pricing to take part. If you'd like to sign up for membership, go to, or email