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Thank you to the businesses who advertise in our Agricultural Programs brochure.

Courses & Webinars

Winter courses have been a tradition of Grey Ag Services for decades. The trusted Ag Programs Brochure lands in roughly 11,000 rural mail boxes across the area each December. It contains information for courses available from February - April, plus the Grey Bruce Farmers Week program, and is filled with valuable sponsorship advertisements from local organizations. 


These courses are a reflection of what you want to see. Please let us know what you are interested in. Grey Ag strives to present a variety of content that will appeal and apply to all aspects of agriculture in Grey County.

Courses are offered in various formats (in-person, virtually or hybrid), so be sure to take note of where you will be attending from.

The address for Grey Ag Services is Unit 3, 206 Toronto St. S, Markdale ON. This is the location of most in-person courses. 


Meeting links for virtual workshops will be sent out the day prior to the course. Please keep an eye on both your email inbox and junk mail folders as sometimes messages are filtered into the wrong spot. If you do not see that email by the day of the course, (or if you have any other questions) please reach out to or call 519-986-3756. 

Course 1

Estate, succession, transition – call it what you want, it can be a challenging, difficult and cumbersome process.  The aim of this course is to get you started, and provide pointers to help get a plan in place, whether you are the older or younger generation.

Date & Time: Monday February 10th, 1:30 - 3:30 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00 per person.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Presented by: Robert W. Scriven, Bennett Grant LLP, and Gerry Bowler, Bowler & Company CPA

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Course 2

Presented by: Christine O'Reilly, OMAFA

Triticale acres across the province have been increasing in the last few years. This webinar will cover where triticale fits in a crop rotation and a ration. 

Date & Time: New Date: Tuesday April 8th, 7:00 - 8:00 pm.

Location: Webinar, watch through Zoom.

Course fee: $12.00 per person.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

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Course 3

Presented by: Christoph Wand, OMAFA

Regenerative Agriculture - What is it?  Why are we talking about it?  How does one ‘do’ it? All that and more to cover in this dynamic course!

Date & Time: New Date: Thursday March 20th, 6:45 - 9:15 pm.

Location: Hybrid, attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00 per person.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 4

Presented by: Jackie Ralph, CMHA Grey Bruce

As individuals we know how to respond to a tooth ache, or a sprained ankle but are we as knowledgeable about emotional injuries such as depression, anxiety, substance use, grief or stress?   In the Know is a mental health literacy workshop designed specifically for farmers, their families and those who are involved in the agriculture sector.   

Date & Time: Tuesday February 25th, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: Free - sponsored by CMHA Grey Bruce, lunch is included.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 5a - Can be attend on its own or in combination with 5b.

Presented by: Craig Reid and Brandon Dietrich, both of Sprucedale Agromart.

Taking a good, representative soil sample and sending it to an accredited lab is just the beginning.  Once we get results back what do we do with them?  Craig and Brandon will guide you through interpreting the numbers on your report so they make sense to you, and can be used to help build a fertility plan that improves your productivity and bottom line! 

Date & Time: Wednesday February 26th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: Course 5a alone - $20.00. 5a & 5b combined with lunch included - $40.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 5b - Can be attend on its own or in combination with 5a.

Presented by: Craig Reid and Taylor Knott, both of Sprucedale Agromart.

Understand the crucial role of lime to maximize nutrient availability, enhance plant health, and improve soil properties for optimal crop production. Explore the various types, benefits and how it can impact your operation.

Date & Time: Wednesday February 26th, 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: Course 5b alone - $20.00. 5a & 5b combined with lunch included - $40.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 6

Presented by: Steve Duff, James Byrne and John Molenhuis, all of OMAFA

Description coming soon.

Date & Time: POSTPONED - stay tuned for updates.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $40.00 with lunch included.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 7

Presented by: Jessica McCoag, Purina 

In this course we will go over key nutrients in the Equine diet such as Amino Acids, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals.  We will look at what functions these key nutrients have in the horse’s body and the roles they play in maintaining a healthy horse.   We will also discuss balancing rations and some practical tips to make sure your horse is receiving all the nutrition he/she needs from their diet.

Date & Time: New Date: Thursday April 24th, 7 - 9 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

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Course 8

Presented by: Dean Cober, Cobercow Hay and Cattle

Dean is a mentor for the Ontario Forage Council's Advanced Grazing Mentorship Program. He will be leading this workshop on paddock design for rotational grazing systems as part of Grey Ag's Winter Course Series. Come prepared to design your own rotational grazing system for your farm in this hands-on workshop! 

Date & Time: Friday February 28th, 1:00 - 5:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 9

Presented by: Bird Ecology and Conservation Ontario & Collaborating Farmers

Join BECO and a panel of farmers and grassland bird stewards for a roundtable discussion about how you can manage vegetation to attract grassland birds and improve nesting habitat on your property. Speakers will share their experience with creating and maintaining hayfields and pastures suitable for grassland bird nesting. The discussion will focus on practical information and strategies to establish and maintain tall dense vegetation for nesting bobolink, for example through overseeding, grazing, and soil amendments. Participants will also be encouraged to share their experiences with creating and managing nesting habitat for grassland birds. 

Date & Time: Saturday March 1st, 1:30 - 4:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 10

Presented by: Representatives from ALUS Grey Bruce, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, Ducks Unlimited, OMAFA, Agricorp, OSCIA, Agriculture Credit Corporation, Feeder Finance, Stewardship Grey Bruce, Grey County and Georgian College 

It is difficult to keep track of all the funding initiatives and programs that farmers can take advantage of. We have gathered the experts to give you clear and concise summaries of these opportunities and take questions on how to apply.

Date & Time: Tuesday March 4th, 1:00 - 4:15 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Building for the Future, Dairy Barns.png

Course 11

Presented by: Tom Wright, Cynthia Miltenburg, Christoph Wand and Angie Wilson, all of OMAFA

Dairy farms with aging barns that are close to outlasting their intended lifespan present producers with opportunities to renew their housing.  The decision to invest in the future brings many options into focus. This presentation will examine the process and discuss features that producers may want to consider as options to include.  This course aims to discuss cow comfort considerations and future opportunities such as manure handling for future co-products, in-barn technology options, creating efficiencies for labour and tips for the planning process. 

Date & Time: New Date: Wednesday March 26th, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 12

Presented by: Grey County Master Gardeners

An introduction to weed biology and identification and suggested effective, long term management strategies for a range of common weeds in our area. 

Date & Time: Tuesday March 18th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 13

Presented by: Dr. Chris Buschbeck, Markdale Veterinary Services

How to prepare your ewes for a successful lambing season and trouble to look out for. 

Date & Time: Wednesday March 19th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 14

Presented by: Representatives from Trillium Mutual Insurance, Howick Mutual Insurance and Edge Mutual Insurance.

In this course, you’ll explore the vital role of farm and rural insurance packages and how they can support the growth of your operation. Discover practical tools for managing risks, choose the coverage that fits your needs, and clear up common misconceptions, all with insights tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of rural Ontario. Please attend with your questions top of mind. 

Date & Time: Thursday March 20th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 15

Presented by: Dr. Tee Fox and Dr. Marika Van Schaik, both of Markdale Veterinary Services

Description coming soon.

Date & Time: Tuesday March 25th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 16

Presented by: Deb Campbell, Agronomy Advantage, and Carrie Davenport, Georgian View Agri Services

Let’s discuss what was learned from 2024 and see how to apply that to crop plans in 2025. 

Date & Time: Thursday March 27th, 1:30 - 4:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 17

Presented by: Bruce Kelly, Farm & Food Care

This Course on Farmland Rental Agreements offers farmers and landowners a unique opportunity to learn how to work together and effectively develop a written agreement that works well for both parties over time. 

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful rental agreement. It's not just about the financial aspect but also about creating a win-win situation. Farmers need to see the benefits of good management in the long term, and landowners need reassurance about managing their land. As more of Ontario’s farming is done on rented land, the significance of farmer-landowner relationships is increasing. 

A solution is a simple yet effective written lease. The lease would outline both parties' responsibilities and helps set collaborative goals, define the financial terms, and clarify the land management. It gives the farmer the security to make suitable land management investments with a longer-term perspective.  

And what about the cost? Will the rent be a flat rate? When will it be paid? Will the rate change over time? Will the rental amount be based on some formula that considers the value of the crop produced? And what about capital improvements? Who pays for a new culvert, a load of gravel or fencing repairs?  

The workshop will cover topics such as the benefits of written leases, effective communication strategies, capital investments and basic rental formulas.  

**Please note that land rental rates will not be discussed.**

Date & Time: Tuesday April 1st, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $12.00.

Please register by emailing or calling


Course 18

Presented by: Emily McKague, Grey Ag Services

Learn how to create and manipulate Excel spreadsheets to manage data on your farm. In this course we will cover basic features, learn how to use formulas and sorting functions, and create record keeping templates for things like financials, herd management or simple rations. Participants should bring their own laptops with MS Excel installed as it will be an interactive workshop. 

Date & Time: Thursday April 3rd, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 19

Presented by: Anne Poirier, EMCA-P, IAABC-ADT, CTDI, CCFC. SDJ, AACE, Peartree Animal Wellness Center

This course will cover the difference between breeds and what to consider when getting an LGD; the importance in socializing your pup/new LGD; and how and when to introduce them to livestock.  Anne will also cover various training methods she uses for different situations as well as various ways to trouble shoot problems such as chasing, guarding humans instead of livestock, or guarding food station and food bowls etc.   

Date & Time: Saturday April 5th, 1:00 - 4:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 20

Presented by: James Byrne and Rajan Niraula of OMAFA

Planning to construct a new cattle handling facility or barn, refurbish or upgrade an existing building. Rajan Niraula, OMAFA Agriculture Engineer, Livestock Structures and Equipment will lead you through some design considerations, regulations to consider and give you practical tips about the best way to plan your new construction. James Byrne, Beef Cattle Specialist, will discuss some practical barn and handling facility design issues to consider from a cattle perspective. This workshop will include a field visit to a local producer where Rajan and James will discuss with the producer some of the design elements the producer considered with the construction of their new barn. 

Date & Time: Wednesday April 9th, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $40.00 with lunch included.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 21

Presented by: Rebecca Vito, Grey Ag Services

Canva is an easy-to-use graphic design program that enables you to create eye-catching visuals for social media, presentations, promotional material, and more. Anyone can use Canva! This workshop is perfect for beginners and those looking to improve their skills. We’ll look at what’s available in Canva, the difference between the free and paid version, and some basic tools. Then we’ll dive in to creating your own graphic, with guided, step-by-step instructions. ​

Participants should create their own Canva account ahead of time. A free account is all that is needed for this course. 

Date & Time: Wednesday April 9th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: Hybrid - attend in-person at Grey Ag Services or online through Zoom.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

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Course 22

Presented by: Martha Rogers, The Valley Preservery

Have you had seal failures, broken jars, jams & jellies that don’t set, crumpled lids while pressure canning? Have you lost syrup when canning fruit? Have you experienced cabbage that just won’t give up liquid for fermentation? Whether you are new to food preservation or canning, or have experienced a “calamity”, come join us. Put on your Sherlock Holmes gear and analyze what caused the calamity. Let’s explore ways to prevent them and rectify (if possible) when they occur. Come for a fun and informative evening of solving Canning Kitchen Calamities!!! 

Date & Time: Thursday April 10th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Course 23

Presented by: Krista Linthorne and Robert Hann, Grey Bruce OPP

Protect Your Property: Join the Grey Bruce OPP for a Community Safety Meeting 

Attention local farmers and property owners: 
The Grey Bruce OPP will be present for an informative session to help safeguard your properties from break-ins and thefts. We will be discussing practical security measures, how we can work together through a “Community Watch” program, and the role the OPP plays in protecting your property. 

Key Topics Include: Tips on securing your farm and property, How to report suspicious activity, The benefits of a Community Watch program, What to expect from police response to crimes, ​How OPP can collaborate with property owners to enhance security 

The OPP will also be available to answer any questions you have about crime prevention and the resources available to you. 

Date & Time: Wednesday April 16th, 1:00 - 2:30 pm.

Location: In-person at Grey Ag Services.

Course fee: $20.00.

Please register by emailing or calling 519-986-3756​

Looking for more content? 

Click here for our resources and past course recordings - or check out our YouTube page!

We would like to thank the Municipality of Grey Highlands, and the Community Grant Program, for their support of the Winter Course Program. 

Thank you to the companies who advertise in our winter course program. Their support helps make our programming viable!


206 Toronto St. S., Unit 3

Box 463, Markdale, Ontario

N0C 1H0 Canada

Mon - Fri:   8:30 - 4:30

Closed on Holidays



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2023 by Grey Ag Services. Proudly created with

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